Our Vision:

To champion Affordable and Accessible healthcare in Africa

Our Mission:

We provide access to inclusive Quality Healthcare to enable our people lead productive lives

Our Core Values:

C – Caring

H – Honesty and Trust

A – Accountability

M – Mutual Respect

P – Professional Ethics

I – Integrity

O – Optimum Quality

N – Non-Maleficence (Do No Harm)

Our approach.

Equity Afia is a sustainable, integrated health model that is using franchising principles to train and monitor a network of Medical-Entrepreneurs to provide standardized, quality and affordable healthcare services throughout Kenya. Equity Afia plans to provide comprehensive outpatient services through an estimated 300 outpatient health facilities over the next few years. Our main goal is to ensure sustained improvement of the health and well-being of Kenyans by increasing access to and utilization of quality, affordable and standardized healthcare.

Who we are

We are a group of qualified and experienced doctors who have come together as a network of medical entrepreneurs with the aim of providing high quality, affordable and accessible healthcare to the majority of Kenyans. Meet our able team on ground to serve you.

Meet our able team on ground to serve you.

Dr. Kevin Murage, MB,ChB (UON),

Master of Internal Medicine – University of Nairobi

Equity Afia Kawangware Medical Centre

Dr. Anthony Kinyanjui, MBChB (UON),

Master of Public Health – Health Economics, Policy and Management (Karolinksa University Sweden)

Equity Afia Buru Buru and Kayole Medical Centres

Dr. Benson Chuma, MBChB (UON),

Master of Public Health – Health Economics (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Equity Afia Ongata Rongai Medical Centre